Node drain and deletion test

Drain with force

Make sure the volumes on the drained/removed node can be detached or recovered correctly. The related issue:

  1. Deploy a cluster contains 3 worker nodes N1, N2, N3.
  2. Deploy Longhorn.
  3. Create a 1-replica deployment with a 3-replica Longhorn volume. The volume is attached to N1.
  4. Write some data to the volume and get the md5sum.
  5. Force drain and remove N2, which contains one replica only.
    kubectl drain <Node name> --delete-emptydir-data=true --force=true --grace-period=-1 --ignore-daemonsets=true --timeout=<Desired timeout in secs>
  6. Wait for the volume Degraded.
  7. Force drain and remove N1, which is the node the volume is attached to.
    kubectl drain <Node name> --delete-emptydir-data=true --force=true --grace-period=-1 --ignore-daemonsets=true --timeout=<Desired timeout in secs>
  8. Verify the instance manager pods are gone and not recreated after the drain.
  9. Wait for the volume detaching then being recovered. Will get attached to the workload/node.
  10. Validate the volume content. The data is intact.

Drain without force

  1. Cordon the node. Longhorn will automatically disable the node scheduling when a Kubernetes node is cordoned.
  2. Evict all the replicas from the node.
  3. Run the following command to drain the node with force flag set to false.
    kubectl drain <Node name> --delete-emptydir-data --force=false --grace-period=-1 --ignore-daemonsets=true --timeout=<Desired timeout in secs>
  4. Observe that the workloads move to another node. The volumes should first detach and attach to workloads once they move to another node.
  5. Observe the logs, one by one all the pods should get evicted.
    node/<node-name> already cordoned
    WARNING: ignoring DaemonSet-managed Pods: ingress-nginx/nginx-ingress-controller-bpf2t, kube-system/canal-hwk6v, longhorn-system/engine-image-ei-605a0f3e-8gb8l, longhorn-system/longhorn-csi-plugin-flq84, longhorn-system/longhorn-manager-tps6v
    evicting pod longhorn-system/instance-manager-r-1aebab59
    evicting pod kube-system/coredns-849545576b-v54vn
    evicting pod longhorn-system/instance-manager-e-e591dbce
    pod/instance-manager-r-1aebab59 evicted
    pod/instance-manager-e-e591dbce evicted
    pod/coredns-849545576b-v54vn evicted
    node/<node-name> evicted
  6. Verify the instance manager pods are gone and not recreated after the drain.

Note: --ignore-daemonsets should be set to true to ignore some DaemonSets that exist on node such as Longhorn manager, Longhorn CSI plugin, engine image in a Longhorn deployed cluster.

Test kubectl drain nodes for PVC/PV/LHV is created through Longhorn UI

Given 1 PVC/PV/LHV created through Longhorn UI And LHV is not yet attached/replicated.

When kubectl drain nodes.

kubectl cordon ${NODE}
kubectl drain --force --ignore-daemonsets --delete-emptydir-data --grace-period=10 ${NODE}

Then all node should successfully drain.

NOTE: We might still 1 or 2 times of the pod’s disruption budget message, but will drain successfully in the end.

evicting pod longhorn-system/instance-manager-r-xxxxxxxx
error when evicting pods/"instance-manager-r-xxxxxxxx" -n "longhorn-system" (will retry after 5s): Cannot evict pod as it would violate the pod's disruption budget.

Stopped replicas on deleted nodes should not be counted as healthy replicas when draining nodes

When draining a node, the node will be set as unscheduled and all pods should be evicted.

By Longhorn’s default settings, the replica will only be evicted if there is another healthy replica on the running node.

Given Longhorn with 2 nodes cluster: Node_1, Node_2

And Create a 5Gi detached volume with 2 replicas.

And Stop Node_1 that contains one of the replicas.

And Update the Node Drain Policy setting to block-if-contains-last-replica and confirm with following command:

kubectl get -n longhorn-system

When Attempts to drain Node_2 that contains remaining replica.

kubectl drain <Node_2 name> --delete-emptydir-data=true --force=true --grace-period=-1 --ignore-daemonsets=true

Then The Node_2 becomes cordoned.

And All pods on Node_2 are evicted except the replica instance manager pod.

kubectl get pods --field-selector spec.nodeName=<Node_2 name> -o wide -n longhorn-system

And The message like below keeps appearing.

evicting pod longhorn-system/instance-manager-r-xxxxxxxx
error when evicting pods/"instance-manager-r-xxxxxxxx" -n "longhorn-system" (will retry after 5s): Cannot evict pod as it would violate the pod's disruption budget.

And The last healthy replica exists on the Node_2.

Setting Allow Node Drain with the Last Healthy Replica protects the last healthy replica with Pod Disruption Budget (PDB)

Given Longhorn with 2 nodes cluster: Node_1, Node_2

And Create a 5Gi detached volume with 2 replicas.

And Stop Node_1 that contains one of the replicas.

And Update the Node Drain Policy setting to block-if-contains-last-replica and confirm with following command:

kubectl get -n longhorn-system

And Drain Node_2 so that all pods on Node_2 are evicted, but the replica instance manager pod is still on Node_2 because it is protected by PDB.

kubectl drain <Node_2 name> --delete-emptydir-data=true --force=true --grace-period=-1 --ignore-daemonsets=true

And Update the Node Drain Policy setting to always-allow and confirm with following command:

kubectl get -n longhorn-system

Then The pod longhorn-system/instance-manager-r-xxxxxxxx will be evicted successfully and the following command can be used to ensure that only daemonset pods such as engine-image, longhorn-csi-plugin and longhorn-manager daemonset pods are running on Node_2:

kubectl get pods --field-selector spec.nodeName=<Node_2 name> -o wide -n longhorn-system

And The PDB will be deleted and can be verified with the following command:

kubectl get pdb <replica name, e.g., instance-manager-r-xxxxxxxx> -n longhorn-system