Priority Class Default Setting

There are three different cases we need to test when the user inputs a default setting for Priority Class:

  1. Install Longhorn with no priority-class set in the default settings. The Priority Class setting should be empty after the installation completes according to the longhorn-ui, and the default Priority of all Pods in the longhorn-system namespace should be 0:
~ kubectl -n longhorn-system describe pods | grep Priority
# should be repeated many times
Priority:     0
  1. Install Longhorn with a nonexistent priority-class in the default settings. The system should fail to come online. The Priority Class setting should be set and the status of the Daemon Set for the longhorn-manager should indicate that the reason it failed was due to an invalid Priority Class:
~ kubectl -n longhorn-system describe lhs priority-class
Name:         priority-class
Value:                 nonexistent-priority-class
~ kubectl -n longhorn-system describe daemonset.apps/longhorn-manager
Name:           longhorn-manager
  Priority Class Name:  nonexistent-priority-class
  Type     Reason            Age                From                  Message
  ----     ------            ----               ----                  -------
  Normal   SuccessfulCreate  23s                daemonset-controller  Created pod: longhorn-manager-gbskd
  Normal   SuccessfulCreate  23s                daemonset-controller  Created pod: longhorn-manager-9s7mg
  Normal   SuccessfulCreate  23s                daemonset-controller  Created pod: longhorn-manager-gtl2j
  Normal   SuccessfulDelete  17s                daemonset-controller  Deleted pod: longhorn-manager-9s7mg
  Normal   SuccessfulDelete  17s                daemonset-controller  Deleted pod: longhorn-manager-gbskd
  Normal   SuccessfulDelete  17s                daemonset-controller  Deleted pod: longhorn-manager-gtl2j
  Warning  FailedCreate      4s (x14 over 15s)  daemonset-controller  Error creating: pods "longhorn-manager-" is forbidden: no PriorityClass with name nonexistent-priority-class was found
  1. Install Longhorn with a valid priority-class in the default settings. The Priority Class setting should be set according to the longhorn-ui, and all the Pods in the longhorn-system namespace should have the right Priority set:
~ kubectl -n longhorn-system describe pods | grep Priority
# should be repeated many times
Priority:             2000001000
Priority Class Name:  system-node-critical