Test Replica Disk Soft Anti-Affinity


Test initial behavior of global Replica Disk Soft Anti-Affinity setting

Given A newly created Longhorn cluster

Then Replica Zone Disk Anti-Affinity shows as false in the UI

And the replica-soft-anti-affinity setting shows false with kubectl

Test initial behavior of global Replica Disk Soft Anti-Affinity setting after upgrade

Given A newly upgraded Longhorn cluster

Then Replica Zone Disk Anti-Affinity shows as false in the UI

And the replica-soft-anti-affinity shows false with kubectl

Test behavior of volume Replica Disk Soft Anti-Affinity setting

Given A newly created Longhorn cluster

When Create a volume

Then The UI shows Replica Disk Soft Anti Affinity: ignored on the volume details page

And volume.spec.replicaDiskSoftAntiAffinity shows ignored with kubectl

When The Update Replica Disk Soft Anti Affinity operation is used on the UI volume details page to change Replica Disk Soft Anti-Affinity to enabled

Then The UI shows Replica Disk Soft Anti Affinity: enabled on the volume details page

And volume.spec.replicaDiskSoftAntiAffinity shows enabled with kubectl

When The Update Replica Disk Soft Anti Affinity batch operation is used on the UI volumes page to change Replica Disk Soft Anti-Affinity to disabled

Then The UI shows Replica Disk Soft Anti Affinity: disabled on the volume details page

And volume.spec.replicaDiskSoftAntiAffinity shows disabled with kubectl

Test initial behavior of volume Replica Disk Soft Anti-Affinity setting after upgrade

Given An outdated Longhorn cluster with at least one volume

When The cluster is upgraded

Then The UI shows Replica Disk Soft Anti Affinity: ignored on the volume details page

And volume.spec.replicaDiskSoftAntiAffinity shows ignored with kubectl

Test effect of Replica Disk Soft Anti-Affinity on replica scheduling

If an implementation of test_global_disk_soft_anti_affinity hasn’t merged, follow its skeleton manually

If an implementation of test_volume_disk_soft_anti_affinity hasn’t merged, follow its skeleton manually
