Test step

Given Patch build and deploy Longhorn.

diff --git a/controller/setting_controller.go b/controller/setting_controller.go
index de77b7246..ac6263ac5 100644
--- a/controller/setting_controller.go
+++ b/controller/setting_controller.go
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ const (
 var (
 	upgradeCheckInterval          = time.Hour
 	settingControllerResyncPeriod = time.Hour
-	checkUpgradeURL               = "https://longhorn-upgrade-responder.rancher.io/v1/checkupgrade"
+	checkUpgradeURL               = "http://longhorn-upgrade-responder.default.svc.cluster.local:8314/v1/checkupgrade"

 type SettingController struct {

Match the checkUpgradeURL with the application name: http://<APP_NAME>-upgrade-responder.default.svc.cluster.local:8314/v1/checkupgrade

And setting v2-data-engine value is true.
And add a block disk to cluster nodes.
And deploy upgrade responder stack.

When create 50 mi volume lhv-v1 using v1 data engine.
And create 50 mi volume lhv-v2 using v2 data engine.
And attach volume lhv-v1 and write some data.
And attach volume lhv-v2 and write some data.
And Wait 1~2 hours for collection data to send to the influxDB database.

Then the value of field longhorn_volume_average_size_bytes in the influxdb should equal to the average size of all v1 volumes (excluding v2 volumes).
And the value of field longhorn_volume_average_actual_size_bytes in the influxdb should be equal or simular to the average actual size of all v1 volumes (excluding v2 volumes).

It’s OK for the actual size to be slightly off due to ongoing workload activities, such as data writing by the upgrade-responder.

# Get the sizes in the influxdb.
# Sample:
# > name: upgrade_request
#   time                longhorn_volume_average_actual_size_bytes longhorn_volume_average_size_bytes
#   ----                ----------------------------------------- ----------------------------------
#   1703045996398941914 73269248                                  1449132032
#   1703046063248379696 73284266                                  1449132032
influxdb_pod=$(kubectl get pod | grep influxdb | awk '{print $1}' | head -n 1)
kubectl exec -it ${influxdb_pod} -- influx -execute 'SELECT "longhorn_volume_average_actual_size_bytes", "longhorn_volume_average_size_bytes" FROM "upgrade_request"' -database="${app_name}_upgrade_responder"
# Get the sizes from Longhorn volumes.

v1_volume_count=$(kubectl get volumes -n longhorn-system -o=jsonpath='{range .items[*]}{.spec.backendStoreDriver}{"\n"}{end}' | grep -c 'v1')
echo "Number of V1 volumes: $v1_volume_count"

# Get the expected average size.
# > Total size: 4347396096
# > Average size: 1449132032
total_size=$(kubectl get volumes -n longhorn-system -o=json | jq -r '[.items[] | select(.spec.backendStoreDriver != "v2") | .spec.size | tonumber] | add')
echo "Total size: $total_size"

average_size=$(echo "scale=0; $total_size / $v1_volume_count" | bc)
echo "Average size: $average_size"

# Get the expected average actual size.
# Sample:
# > Total actualSize: 220368896
# > Average actual size: 73456298
total_actual_size=$(kubectl get volumes -n longhorn-system -o=json | jq -r '[.items[] | select(.spec.backendStoreDriver != "v2") | .status.actualSize | tonumber] | add')
echo "Total actualSize: $total_actual_size"

average_total_actual_size=$(echo "scale=0; $total_actual_size / $v1_volume_count" | bc)
echo "Average actual size: $average_total_actual_size"