Backing Image on a down node

  1. Update the settings:
    1. Disable Node Soft Anti-affinity.
    2. Set Replica Replenishment Wait Interval to a relatively long value.
  2. Create a backing image. Wait for the backing image being ready in the 1st disk.
  3. Create 2 volumes with the backing image and attach them on different nodes. Verify:
    • the disk state map of the backing image contains the disks of all replicas, and the state is running for all disks.
    • the backing image content is correct.
  4. Write random data to the volumes.
  5. Power off 2 nodes. One node should contain one volume engine. Verify that
    • the related disk file state in the backing image will become Unknown.
    • the volume on the running node still works fine but is state Degraded, and the content is correct.
    • the volume on the down node become Unknown.
  6. Power on the node that contains one volume engine. Verify
    • the failed replica of the Degraded volume can be reused.
    • the volume on the down node will be recovered automatically. And the data is correct.
    • the backing image will be recovered automatically.
    • the backing image file on this node will be reused when the related backing image manager pod is recovered (by check the pod log).
  7. Delete all volumes and the backing image. Verify the backing image manager can be deleted once forcing removing the related terminating pod.

Available test backing image URLs: 