Test Label-driven Recurring Job


Test Recurring Job Concurrency

Given create snapshot recurring job with concurrency set to 2 and include snapshot recurring job default in groups.

When create volume test-job-1.
And create volume test-job-2.
And create volume test-job-3.
And create volume test-job-4.
And create volume test-job-5.

Then monitor the cron job pod log.
And should see 2 jobs created concurrently.

When update snapshot1 recurring job with concurrency set to 3.
Then monitor the cron job pod log. And should see 3 jobs created concurrently.

Test Upgrade Migration For Recurring Job

Given cluster with Longhorn version prior to v1.2.0.
And storageclass with recurring job snapshot and backup.
And volume test-job-1 created, and attached.

When upgrade Longhorn to v1.2.0.

Then should have new recurring job CR created with format <jobTask>-<jobRetain>-<hash(jobCron)>-<hash(jobLabelJSON)>.
And volume should be labeled with recurring-job.longhorn.io/<jobTask>-<jobRetain>-<hash(jobCron)>-<hash(jobLabelJSON)>: enabled.
And recurringJob should be removed in volume spec. And storageClass in longhorn-storageclass configMap should not have recurringJobs.
And storageClass in longhorn-storageclass configMap should have recurringJobSelector.


When create new PVC.
And volume should be labeled with items in recurringJobSelector.
And recurringJob should not exist in volume spec.
