Test Online Expansion


Test online expansion with continuous reading/writing

Given Prepare a relatively large file (5Gi for example) with the checksum calculated.

And Create and attach a volume.

And Monitor the instance manager pod logs.

When Use dd to copy data from the file to the Longhorn block device.

dd if=/mnt/data of=/dev/longhorn/vol bs=1M

And Do online expansion for the volume during the copying.

Then The expansion should success. The corresponding block device on the attached node is expanded.

And Should not see any io or tgt related error logs in the instance manager pods.

When Use dd to calculate the data checksum for the Longhorn block device..

dd if=/dev/longhorn/vol bs=1M count=5000 status=none | md5sum

And Do online expansion for the volume during the calculation.

Then The expansion should success. The corresponding block device on the attached node is expanded.

And Should not see any io or tgt related error logs in the instance manager pods.

And The checksum matches.

Test online expansion with upgrade

Given Deploy an old version Longhorn, v1.3.2 for example.

And Create and attach 2 volumes.

And Upgrade Longhorn to the latest version.

When Do online expansion for volume 1.

Then The expansion of volume 1 should get stuck. (old engine image + old instance manager)

And The engine CR of volume 1 should contain the expansion error. e.g.,

  lastExpansionError: cannot do online expansion for the old engine vol-e-b2d9b924
  with cli API version 6
  lastExpansionFailedAt: 2022-12-29 02:44:15.481809613 +0000 UTC m=+146155.850227034

And Expansion can be canceled.

When Do live upgrade for volume 1.

And Retry online expansion.

Then The expansion should get stuck. (new engine image + old instance manager)

And The engine CR should contain the expansion error.

And The expansion can be canceled.

When Detach and reattach volume 1.

And Retry online expansion.

Then The expansion should success. The corresponding block device on the attached node is expanded. (new engine image + new instance manager)

When Directly detach and reattach volume 2.

And Do online expansion for volume 2.

Then The expansion should get stuck. (old engine image + new instance manager)

And The engine CR of volume 2 should contain the expansion error.

And The expansion can be canceled.

When Do live upgrade for volume 2.

And Retry online expansion.

Then The expansion should success. The corresponding block device on the attached node is expanded. (new engine image + new instance manager)
