Test Node Delete

https://github.com/longhorn/longhorn/issues/2186 https://github.com/longhorn/longhorn/issues/2462

Delete Method

Should verify with both of the delete methods.

  • Bulk Delete - This is the Delete on the Node page.
  • Node Delete - This is the Remove Node for each node Operation drop-down list.

Test Node Delete - should grey out when node not down

Given node not Down.

When Try to delete any node.

Then Should see button greyed out.

Test Node Delete

Given pod with pvc created.

kubectl create -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/longhorn/longhorn/v1.1.0/examples/pod_with_pvc.yaml

And node down:

  1. Disable Node Scheduling and set Eviction Requested to true from the browser.

  2. Taint node-1 with kubectl and wait for pods to re-deploy.

    kubectl taint nodes ${NODE} nodetype=storage:NoExecute

    2.1. Check longhorn pods are not scheduled to node-1.

    2.2. Node status should be Down.

When delete node-1 from the browser.

Then click OK in the pop-up window for delete confirmation.

And should see node-1 removed from the node list in the browser.

And should see node-1 removed from nodes.longhorn.io.

kubectl -n longhorn-system get nodes.longhorn.io

Test Node Delete - should delete the node when the node is down, even the schedule is enabled and replicas not evicted from the node

Given Cluster with 4 nodes.

And pod with pvc created.

kubectl create -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/longhorn/longhorn/v1.1.0/examples/pod_with_pvc.yaml

And node with replica is down:

  1. Taint node-1 with kubectl and wait for pods to re-deploy.

    kubectl taint nodes ${NODE} nodetype=storage:NoExecute

    1.1. Check longhorn pods are not scheduled to node-1. 1.2. Node status should be Down.

  2. Longhorn replica should be stopped for the tainted node.

    ip-172-30-0-21:~ # kubectl -n longhorn-system get replica
    NAME                                                  STATE     NODE              DISK                                   INSTANCEMANAGER                IMAGE                               AGE
    pvc-cf792de8-62be-4c8d-bd6e-dc855d958e8b-r-1c6008f2   running   ip-172-30-0-21    fad71ef9-a830-495c-974d-06538e4387fa   instance-manager-r-f694df29   longhornio/  longhorn-engine:master   50m
    pvc-cf792de8-62be-4c8d-bd6e-dc855d958e8b-r-cab245c9   running   ip-172-30-0-190   3d435563-bd11-4566-bd9f-34815920a9e8   instance-manager-r-eb56d441   longhornio/  longhorn-engine:master   50m
    pvc-cf792de8-62be-4c8d-bd6e-dc855d958e8b-r-e79536a5   stopped   ip-172-30-0-16    c1c8597d-f3ee-44fc-b045-ee51beb14bb6                                                                       28m
  3. Volume should be degraded.

    ip-172-30-0-21:~ # kubectl -n longhorn-system get volume
    NAME                                       STATE      ROBUSTNESS   SCHEDULED    SIZE         NODE              AGE
    pvc-cf792de8-62be-4c8d-bd6e-dc855d958e8b   attached   degraded     True         2147483648   ip-172-30-0-190   64m

When delete node-1 from the browser.

Then click OK in the pop-up window for delete confirmation.

And should see node-1 removed from the node list in the browser.

And should see node-1 removed from nodes.longhorn.io.

kubectl -n longhorn-system get nodes.longhorn.io

And should see replica re-scheduled to an available node.

ip-172-30-0-21:~ # kubectl -n longhorn-system get replica
NAME                                                  STATE     NODE              DISK                                   INSTANCEMANAGER               IMAGE                               AGE
pvc-cf792de8-62be-4c8d-bd6e-dc855d958e8b-r-1c6008f2   running   ip-172-30-0-21    fad71ef9-a830-495c-974d-06538e4387fa   instance-manager-r-f694df29   longhornio/longhorn-engine:master   53m
pvc-cf792de8-62be-4c8d-bd6e-dc855d958e8b-r-cab245c9   running   ip-172-30-0-190   3d435563-bd11-4566-bd9f-34815920a9e8   instance-manager-r-eb56d441   longhornio/longhorn-engine:master   53m
pvc-cf792de8-62be-4c8d-bd6e-dc855d958e8b-r-a45afce7   running   ip-172-30-0-85    f78a06cc-56df-4269-b98c-e51504aaba10   instance-manager-r-79bd9ce1   longhornio/longhorn-engine:master   18s

And volume should eventually become healthy.

NAME                                       STATE      ROBUSTNESS   SCHEDULED   SIZE         NODE              AGE
pvc-cf792de8-62be-4c8d-bd6e-dc855d958e8b   attached   healthy      True        2147483648   ip-172-30-0-190   73m

Test Node Delete - when the volume has only 1 replica should fail to delete the node when the node is down, the schedule is enabled and replicas not evicted from the node.

Given pod with pvc created.

kubectl create -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/longhorn/longhorn/v1.1.0/examples/pod_with_pvc.yaml

And volume has only 1 replica.

And node with the 1 replica is down:

  1. Taint node-1 with kubectl and wait for pods to re-deploy.

    kubectl taint nodes ${NODE} nodetype=storage:NoExecute

    1.1. Check longhorn pods are not scheduled to node-1. 1.2. Node status should be Down.

  2. Longhorn replica should be stopped.

    ip-172-30-0-21:~ # kubectl -n longhorn-system get replica
    NAME                                                  STATE         NODE             DISK                                   INSTANCEMANAGER     IMAGE   AGE
    pvc-b040fe48-5ee1-4a7b-9b3a-accc65f7e947-r-b9d1a5bd   stopped       ip-172-30-0-85      f78a06cc-56df-4269-b98c-e51504aaba10                             9m39s

When delete node-1 from the browser.

Then click OK in the pop-up window for delete confirmation.

And should see pop-up error bar.

unable to delete node: Could not delete node ip-172-30-0-85 with node ready condition is False, reason is ManagerPodMissing, node schedulable false, and 1 replica, 0 engine running on it

And should see node-1 still exist in the node list in the browser.

And should see node-1 still exist in nodes.longhorn.io.

ip-172-30-0-21:~ # kubectl -n longhorn-system get nodes
NAME              STATUS     ROLES                  AGE     VERSION
ip-172-30-0-16    Ready      <none>                 26h     v1.20.5+k3s1
ip-172-30-0-21    Ready      control-plane,master   26h     v1.20.5+k3s1
ip-172-30-0-85    Ready      <none>                 26h     v1.20.5+k3s1