Test Node ID Change During Backing Image Creation



Given A relatively large file so that uploading it would take several minutes at least.

And Upload the file as a backing image.

And Monitor the longhorn manager pod logs.

When Add new nodes for the cluster or new disks for the existing Longhorn nodes during the upload.

Then Should see the upload success.

And Should not see error messages like below in the longhorn manager pods.

2022-11-07T21:03:30.772022890Z time="2022-11-07T21:03:30Z" level=error msg="Backing Image Data Source was state in-progress but the pod became not ready, the state will be updated to failed, message: pod spec node ID vsh01ha doesn't match the desired node ID vsh01hc" backingImageDataSource=default-image-zxgnk controller=longhorn-backing-image-data-source diskUUID=588588f4-1bec-41c8-9fde-936d5a7bf492 node=vsh01hc nodeID=vsh01hc parameters="map[url:]" sourceType=download