Test Backing Image during Longhorn upgrade

System upgrade with compatible backing image manager image

  1. Deploy Longhorn. Then set Concurrent Automatic Engine Upgrade Per Node Limit to a positive value to enable volume engine auto upgrade.
  2. Create 2 backing images: a large one and a small one. Longhorn will start preparing the 1st file for both backing image immediately via launching backing image data source pods.
  3. Wait for the small backing image being ready in the 1st disk. Then create and attach volumes with the backing image.
  4. Wait for volumes attachment. Verify the backing image content then write random data in the volumes.
  5. Wait for the large backing image being ready in the 1st disk. Then create and attach one more volume with this large backing image.
  6. Before the large backing image is synced to other nodes and the volume becomes attached, upgrade the whole Longhorn system:
    1. A new engine image will be used.
    2. The default backing image manager image will be updated.
    3. The new longhorn manager is compatible with the old backing image manager.
  7. Wait for system upgrade complete. Then verify:
    1. All old backing image manager and the related pod will be cleaned up automatically after the current downloading is complete. And the existing backing image files won’t be removed.
    2. New default backing image manager will take over all backing image ownerships and show the info in the status map:
      1. For the small backing image, the new backing image manager will directly take over all ready files.
      2. For the large backing image, the new backing image manager will take over the only ready file and mark all in-progress files as failed first. Then it will re-sync the files after the backoff window.
    3. All attached volumes still work fine without replica crash, and the content is correct in the volumes during/after the upgrade.
    4. The last volume get attached successfully without replica crash, and the content is correct.
  8. Verify volumes and backing images can be deleted.

System upgrade with incompatible backing image manager image

  1. Deploy Longhorn.
  2. Create a backing images. Wait for the backing image being ready in the 1st disk.
  3. Create and attach volumes with the backing image.
  4. Wait for volumes attachment. Verify the backing image content then write random data in the volumes.
  5. Upgrade the whole Longhorn system:
    1. The default backing image manager image will be updated.
    2. The new longhorn manager is not compatible with the old backing image manager.
  6. Wait for system upgrade complete. Then verify:
    1. All old incompatible backing image manager and the related pod will be cleaned up automatically.
    2. New default backing image manager will take over all backing image ownerships and show the info in the status map.
    3. All attached volumes still work fine without replica crash, and the content is correct in the volumes during/after the upgrade.

System upgrade with the same backing image manager image

  1. Deploy Longhorn.
  2. Create a backing images. Wait for the backing image being ready in the 1st disk.
  3. Create and attach volumes with the backing image. Wait for all disk files of the backing image being ready.
  4. Run kubectl -n longhorn system get pod -w in a separate session.
  5. Upgrade Longhorn manager but with the backing image manager image unchanged. (Actually we can mock this upgrade by removing all longhorn manager pods simultaneously.)
  6. Check if all disk file status of the backing image becomes unknown then ready during the longhorn manager pods termination and restart. (May need to refresh the UI page after restart.)
  7. After the longhorn manager pods restart, Verify there is no backing image data source pod launched for the backing image in the output of step4.
  8. Repeat step4 ~ step8 for 10 times.

Available test backing image URLs:


The way to generate a longhorn-manager image with higher API version

  1. Download longhorn manager repo with command git clone https://github.com/longhorn/longhorn-manager.git.
  2. Increase the constant CurrentBackingImageManagerAPIVersion in longhorn-manager/engineapi/backing_image_manager.go by 1.
  3. Run make to build a longhorn-manager image then push it to docker hub.

The way to generate a backing-image-manager image with higher API version

  1. Download backing image manager repo with command git clone https://github.com/longhorn/backing-image-manager.git.
  2. Increase the constants BackingImageManagerAPIVersion and BackingImageManagerAPIMinVersion in backing-image-manager/pkg/meta/version.go by 1.
  3. Run make to build a longhorn-manager image then push it to docker hub.