Some Longhorn worker nodes in AWS Auto Scaling group is in replacement
- Launch a Kubernetes cluster with the nodes in AWS Auto Scaling group. Make sure there is an additional EBS attached to instance with setting
Delete on Termination
disabled. - Deploy Longhorn v1.1.0 on the cluster and Set
. Make sure it’s longer than the time needs for node replacement. - Deploy some workloads using Longhorn volumes.
- Trigger the ASG instance refresh in AWS.
- Manually attach EBS to new instance and mount the disk.
- Add the disk in longhorn to make the existing replica available to be identified by Longhorn.
- Verify new replicas won’t be created before reaching
. - Verify the failed replicas are reused after the node recovery.
- Verify if workloads still work fine with the volumes after the recovery.
EBS migration in AWS in a ASG set up using script
- Launch a Kubernetes cluster with 1 node in AWS Auto Scaling group. Make sure there is an additional EBS attached to instance with setting
Delete on Termination
disabled. - Deploy Longhorn v1.1.0 on the cluster and Set
. Make sure it’s longer than the time needs for node replacement. - Deploy some workloads using Longhorn volumes.
- Modify launch template of ASG and provide mount command for EBS.
sudo mkdir -p /data sudo mount /dev/xvdh /data
- Trigger ASG instance refresh with below script using AWS Cli, which will attach the existing EBS volume to the new instance.
AWS_REGION=<Your aws region> INSTANCE_NAME=<Instance name> VOLUME_STATUS='' INSTANCE_ID=$(aws --region=$AWS_REGION ec2 describe-instances --filters 'Name=tag:Name,Values=$INSTANCE_NAME' | jq -r '.Reservations[].Instances[].InstanceId') VOLUME_ID= $(aws --region=$AWS_REGION ec2 describe-volumes --filters 'Name='attachment.instance-id',Values='$INSTANCE_ID'' | jq -r '.Volumes[1].VolumeId') aws autoscaling start-instance-refresh --auto-scaling-group-name my-asg --preferences '{"InstanceWarmup": 300, "MinHealthyPercentage": 90}' until [ "x$VOLUME_STATUS" == "xattached" ]; do VOL_STATUS=$(aws ec2 describe-volumes --volume-ids $VOL_ID --query 'Volumes[0].State') sleep 5 done INSTANCE_ID=$(aws --region=$AWS_REGION ec2 describe-instances --filters 'Name=tag:Name,Values=$INSTANCE_NAME' | jq -r '.Reservations[].Instances[].InstanceId') aws ec2 attach-volume --volume-id $VOLUME_ID --instance-id $INSTANCE_ID --device /dev/sdh'
- Add the disk in longhorn to make the existing replica available to be identified by Longhorn.
- Verify new replicas won’t be created before reaching
. - Verify the failed replicas are reused after the node recovery.
- Verify if workloads still work fine with the volumes after the recovery.
Note: 1 node cluster is taken only for testing purpose, in real scenario more complex script would be needed for cluster having multiple nodes.