#1355 The node the restore volume attached to is down

Case 1:

  1. Create a backup.

  2. Restore the above backup.

  3. Power off the volume attached node during the restoring.

  4. Wait for the Longhorn node down.

  5. Wait for the restore volume being reattached and starting restoring volume with state Degraded.

  6. Wait for the restore complete.

    Note: During the restoration process, if the engine process fails to communicate with a replica, all replicas will be marked as ERR, and the volume’s RestoreRequired status cannot be set to false. Longhorn relies on the RestoreRequired value to determine the completion of the restoration and whether the failed replicas can be automatically salvaged.

    In this case, the volume would remain in detached/faulted state.

    Ref: https://github.com/longhorn/longhorn/issues/5666

  7. Attach the volume and verify the restored data.

  8. Verify the volume works fine.

Case 2:

  1. Repeat the steps from case 1 with an encrypted volume.