Test timeout on loss of network connectivity

R/W Timeout Block Device

  1. Create a docker network:
docker network create -d bridge --subnet longhorn-network
  1. Start a replica:
docker run --net longhorn-network --ip \
         -v /volume longhornio/longhorn-engine:<tag> \
         longhorn replica --listen --size 10g /volume
  1. Start another replica:
docker run --net longhorn-network --ip \
         -v /volume longhornio/longhorn-engine:<tag> \
         longhorn replica --listen --size 10g /volume
  1. In another terminal, start the controller:
docker run --net longhorn-network --ip --privileged \
         -v /dev:/dev -v /proc:/host/proc \
         longhornio/longhorn-engine:<tag> \
         longhorn controller --replica tcp:// \
         --replica tcp:// \
         --frontend tgt-blockdev timeout-test
  1. In another terminal, perform I/O:
fio --name=random-writers --ioengine=libaio --rw=randwrite --bs=16k \
           --direct=1 --size=1000m --numjobs=1 \
           --filename=/dev/longhorn/timeout-test --iodepth=1
  1. In another terminal, find the name of the container running the replica with docker ps

  2. Disconnect the replica container from the network:

docker network disconnect longhorn-network <container id/name>
  1. Note that the controller output displays “Setting replica tcp:// to ERR due to: r/w timeout” after eight seconds.

  2. Check dmesg to verify that block device did not generate any kernel error messages.

R/W Timeout Filesystem

  1. Perform steps 2-4 from the R/W Timeout Block Device section

  2. In another terminal, perform I/O:

mkfs.ext4 /dev/longhorn/timeout-test
mkdir /timeout-test
mount /dev/longhorn/timeout-test /timeout-test
fio --name=random-writers --ioengine=libaio --rw=randwrite --bs=16k \
           --direct=1 --size=1000m --numjobs=1 \
           --filename=/timeout-test/fio.dat --iodepth=1
  1. Stop the network on the replica with steps 6-7 in the R/W Timeout Block Device section.

  2. Note that the controller output displays “Setting replica tcp:// to ERR due to: r/w timeout” after eight seconds.

  3. Note that the fio operation continues to work and completes without error.

  4. Check dmesg to verify that block device or filesystem did not generate any kernel error messages.
