Uninstallation Checks


  1. Have a setup of Longhorn installed on a kubernetes cluster.
  2. Have few volumes backups stored on S3/NFS backup store.
  3. Have one DR volume created (not activated) in another cluster with a volume in current cluster.

Test steps

  1. Uninstall Longhorn.
  2. Check the logs of the job longhorn-uninstall, make sure there is no error.
  3. Check all the components of Longhorn from the namespace longhorn-system are uninstalled. E.g. Longhorn manager, Longhorn driver, Longhorn UI, instance manager, engine image, CSI driver etc.
  4. Check all the CRDs are removed kubectl get crds | grep longhorn.
  5. Check the backup stores, the backups taken should NOT be removed.
  6. Activate the DR volume in the other cluster and check the data.

Note: If uninstalling from Rancher cluster using cluster explorer, uninstall Longhorn first then the crds.
