Note: Enabling Delete Empty Dir Data
is mandatory to drain a node if a pod is associated with any storage.
Test with Longhorn default setting of ‘Node Drain Policy’: block-if-contains-last-replica
1. Drain operation on single node using Rancher UI
Given Single node (1 Worker) cluster with Longhorn installed
AND few RWO and RWX volumes attached with node/pod exists
AND 1 RWO and 1 RWX volumes unattached
When Drain the node with default values of Rancher UI
Then Drain should be blocked, user can see Rancher trying to drain the node but stuck in drainig
and cordoned
AND Volumes should be healthy and data should be intact once user stops drain
and uncordoned
the node
AND The volumes which were attached initially should be attached and the ones which is unattached should be unattached
AND Logs should not have any unexpected errors
2. Drain operation on single node using Rancher UI with Delete Empty Dir Data
Given Single node (1 Worker) cluster with Longhorn installed
AND few RWO and RWX volumes attached with node/pod exists
AND 1 RWO and 1 RWX volumes unattached
When Drain the worker node one by one with Delete Empty Dir Data
set to Yes
and other values to default using Rancher UI
Then Drain should be blocked. Longhorn’s pdb should prevent draining the IM from the node.
AND Volumes should be healthy and data should be intact once user stops drain
and uncordoned
the node
AND The volumes which were attached initially should be attached and the ones which is unattached should be unattached
AND Logs should not have any unexpected errors
3. Drain operation on a multiple node using Rancher UI - default value
Given Cluster with 1 etcd/control plane and 3 worker nodes with Longhorn installed
AND few RWO and RWX volumes attached with node/pod exists
AND few RWO and RWX volumes unattached
When Drain the worker node one by one with Delete Empty Dir Data
set to Yes
and other values to default using Rancher UI
Then Drain should be successful
AND Volumes should be healthy and data should be intact after drain completes
AND The volumes which were attached initially should be attached and the ones which is unattached should be unattached
AND Logs should not have any unexpected errors
4. Drain operation on a multiple node using Rancher UI - Force
Given Cluster with 1 etcd/control plane and 3 worker nodes with Longhorn installed
AND few RWO and RWX volumes attached with node/pod exists
AND few RWO and RWX volumes unattached
When Drain the worker node one by one with Force
and Delete Empty Dir Data
option enabled using Rancher UI.
Then Drain should be successful
AND Volumes should be healthy and data should be intact after drain completes
AND The volumes which were attached initially should be attached and the ones which is unattached should be unattached
AND Logs should not have any unexpected errors.
5. Drain operation on a multiple node using Rancher UI - Single replica of volumes
Given Cluster with 1 etcd/control plane and 3 worker nodes with Longhorn installed
AND few RWO and RWX volumes with 1 replica attached with node/pod exists
AND few RWO and RWX volumes with 1 replica unattached
When Drain the worker node one by one, start with the node which has volume’s replica
Then Drain should be blocked. Longhorn’s pdb should prevent draining the IM from the node.
AND Volumes should be healthy and data should be intact after drain completes
AND The volumes which were attached initially should be attached and the ones which is unattached should be unattached
AND Logs should not have any unexpected errors
6. Longhorn volume with 50/100 Gi data
Given Cluster with 1 etcd/control plane and 3 worker nodes with Longhorn installed
AND 1 volume with 50/100 Gi of data attached to a node
When Drain the node using Rancher UI with default value and Delete Empty Dir Data
Then Drain should be successful for 2 node but should fail for last node
AND Volume data should be intact
AND Once there are 2 healthy replica rebuilt, then retry drain should be successful
7. Drain the attached node when backup in Longhorn is in progress
Given Cluster with 1 etcd/control plane and 3 worker nodes with Longhorn installed
AND 1 RWO volume (3 replicas) attached with 10 Gi data
AND Backup is in progress
When Drain the attached node using Rancher UI with default value and Delete Empty Dir Data
Then Drain should be successful
AND Backup should be interrupted
AND Volume’s data should be intact
AND Volume should be attached once the drain finishes
AND Next backup should be successful
8. Drain the replica node when backup in Longhorn is in progress
Given Cluster with 1 etcd/control plane and 3 worker nodes with Longhorn installed
AND 1 RWO volume (3 replicas) attached with 10 Gi data
AND Backup is in progress
When Drain the node on which replica responsible for backup exists using Rancher UI
Then Drain should be successful
AND Backup should be interrupted
AND Volume’s data should be intact
AND Volume should be attached once the drain finishes
AND Next backup should be successful
9. Drain operation with short timeout
Given Cluster with 1 etcd/control plane and 3 worker nodes with Longhorn installed
AND few RWO and RWX volumes attached with node/pod exist
AND few RWO and RWX volumes unattached
When Drain the worker node one by one with timeout 5 sec
Then Drain should be interrupted due to timeout
AND No volumes should stuck in attaching/detaching state
When Uncordon all the nodes one by one
Then All volumes should become healthy eventually
AND There shouldn’t be any data loss in the volumes
10. Interrupt drain operation
Given Cluster with 1 etcd/control plane and 3 worker nodes with Longhorn installed
AND few RWO and RWX volumes attached with node/pod exist
AND few RWO and RWX volumes unattached
When Trigger the drain and cancel it when drain is in progress
Then Drain should be interrupted without causing data loss of volumes.
AND No volumes should stuck in attaching/detaching state
Test with Longhorn setting of ‘Node Drain Policy’: allow-if-replica-is-stopped
1. Drain using Rancher UI - Single replica:
Given Single node (1 Worker) cluster with Longhorn installed
AND 1 RWO and 1 RWX volumes unattached
When Drain the node using Rancher UI default value and Delete Empty Dir Data
Then Drain should be successful
AND Volumes should be unattached
When Uncordon the node after drain completes
AND data of all volumes should be intact
2. Repeat the below test cases:
- Drain operation on a multiple node using Rancher UI - default value
- Drain operation on a multiple node using Rancher UI - Force
Test with Longhorn setting of ‘Node Drain Policy’: always-allow
1. Drain using Rancher UI - Single replica:
Given Single node cluster with Longhorn installed
AND 1 RWO and 1 RWX volumes attached with node
When Drain the node using Rancher UI default value and Delete Empty Dir Data
Then Drain should be successful and replica should fail.
AND Volumes should be become faulted and auto salvage should trigger which results in healthy replica and volume.
2. Repeat the below test cases:
- Drain operation on a multiple node using Rancher UI - default value
- Drain operation on a multiple node using Rancher UI - Force