Release specific tests
- Backups And System Backups Removed During Uninstalling
- Delete Backup Asynchronously
- Multiple Backup Stores
- v1.0.0
- v1.0.1
- BestEffort Recurring Job Cleanup
- Change imagePullPolicy to IfNotPresent Test
- DR volume related latest backup deletion test
- NFSv4 Enforcement (No NFSv3 Fallback)
- Priority Class Default Setting
- Return an error when fail to remount a volume
- Test access style for S3 compatible backupstore
- Test S3 backupstore in a cluster sitting behind a HTTP proxy
- Volume Deletion UI Warnings
- v1.0.2
- v1.1.0
- Prometheus Support
- Recurring backup job interruptions
- Reusing failed replica for rebuilding
- Support Kubelet Volume Metrics
- Test Additional Printer Columns
- Test Instance Manager IP Sync
- Test ISCSI Installation on EKS
- Test Read Write Many Feature
- Test uninstallation
- Upgrade Longhorn with modified Storage Class
- v1.1.1
- CSI Sanity Check
- Longhorn with engine is not deployed on all the nodes
- Set Tolerations/PriorityClass For System Components
- Test Disable IPv6
- Test File Sync Cancellation
- Test Frontend Traffic
- Test Node Delete
- Test Node Selector
- Test RWX share-mount ownership reset
- Test Service Account mount on host
- Test Snapshot Purge Error Handling
- Test system upgrade with the deprecated CPU setting
- v1.1.2
- Test CronJob For Volumes That Are Detached For A Long Time
- Test Frontend Web-socket Data Transfer When Resource Not Updated
- Test Instance Manager Streaming Connection Recovery
- v1.2.0
- Test backing image
- Test Backup Creation With Old Engine Image
- Test instance manager cleanup during uninstall
- Test Label-driven Recurring Job
- Test Version Bump of Kubernetes, API version group, CSI component’s dependency version
- v1.2.3
- Test backing image checksum mismatching
- Test backing image space usage with sparse files
- Test scalability with backing image
- v1.3.0
- Extended CSI snapshot support to Longhorn snapshot
- Setup and test storage network
- Test backing image download to local
- Test Helm uninstall Longhorn in different namespace
- Test IM Proxy connection metrics
- Test instance manager NPE
- Test longhorn manager NPE caused by backup creation
- Test longhorn manager pod starting scalability
- Test NPE when longhorn UI deployment CR not exist
- Test snapshot purge retry
- v1.3.1
- v1.4.0
- Test CSI plugin liveness probe
- Test engine binary recovery
- Test filesystem trim
- Test helm on Rancher deployed Windows Cluster
- Test Longhorn system backup should sync from the remote backup target
- Test Node ID Change During Backing Image Creation
- Test Online Expansion
- Test replica scale-down warning
- Test upgrade for migrated Longhorn on Rancher
- v1.4.1
- v1.5.0
- v1.6.0
- Setup and test storage network when Multus version is above v4.0.0
- Test Rebuild in volume.meta blocks engine start
- Test engine version enforcement
- Test list backup when cluster has node cordoned before Longhorn installation
- Test PVC Name and Namespace included in the volume metrics
- Test Replica Disk Soft Anti-Affinity
- Test Support Bundle Metadata File
- Test Support Bundle Should Include Kubelet Log When On K3s Cluster
- Test Support Bundle Syslog Paths
- Test upgrade responder should collect SPDK related info
- v1.7.0
- Dependency setup for GKE cluster using Container-Optimized OS as base image
- Longhorn Commandline Interface (longhornctl)
- Node Disk Support
- restarting Kubelet should not result in repeated “no Pending workload pods …” event for the workload pod.
- RWX Fast Failover
- Storage Network Support for RWX Volume
- Support bundle node collection timeout
- System Packages Are Up-to-date During Image Build