BestEffort Recurring Job Cleanup

  1. Set up a BackupStore anywhere (since the cleanup fails at the Engine level, any BackupStore can be used.
  2. Add both of the Engine Images listed here:
  • - Snapshot and Backup deletion are both set to return an error. If the Snapshot part of a Backup fails, that will error out first and Backup deletion will not be reached.
  • - Only Backup deletion is set to return an error. The Snapshot part of a Backup should succeed, and the Backup deletion will fail.

The next steps need to be repeated for each Engine Image (this is to test the code for Snapshots and Backups separately).

  1. Create a Volume and run an Engine Upgrade to use one of the above images.
  2. Attach the Volume and create a Recurring Job for testing. You can use a configuration that runs once every 3 minutes and only retains one Backup.
  3. You should only see one Snapshot or Backup created per invocation. Once enough Backups or Snapshots have been created and the Job attempts to delete the old ones, you will see something in the logs for the Pod for the Job similar to the following (as a result of using the provided Engine Images that do not have working Snapshot or Backup deletion:
time="2020-06-08T20:05:10Z" level=warning msg="created snapshot successfully but errored on cleanup for test: error deleting snapshot 'c-c3athc-fd3adb1e': Failed to execute: /var/lib/longhorn/engine-binaries/ [--url snapshot rm c-c3athc-fd3adb1e], output , stderr, time=\"2020-06-08T20:05:10Z\" level=fatal msg=\"stubbed snapshot deletion for testing\"\n, error exit status 1"

The Job should nonetheless run successfully according to Kubernetes. This can be verified by using kubectl -n longhorn-system get jobs to find the name of the Recurring Job and using kubectl -n longhorn-system describe job <job-name> to view the details, which should show that the Jobs ran successfully.

  Type    Reason            Age    From                Message
  ----    ------            ----   ----                -------
  Normal  SuccessfulCreate  4m50s  cronjob-controller  Created job test-c-yxam34-c-1591652160
  Normal  SawCompletedJob   4m10s  cronjob-controller  Saw completed job: test-c-yxam34-c-1591652160, status: Complete
  Normal  SuccessfulCreate  109s   cronjob-controller  Created job test-c-yxam34-c-1591652340
  Normal  SawCompletedJob   59s    cronjob-controller  Saw completed job: test-c-yxam34-c-1591652340, status: Complete

Additional invocations should not be attempted on that Pod that would result in multiple Backups or Snapshots being created at the same time.

Note that while the Engine Images being used to test this fix cause old Backups/Snapshots to not be deleted, even accounting for the extra Backups and Snapshots, you should not see multiple Backups being created at the same time. You should only see enough Backups/Snapshots that match the Job interval (since old Backups and Snapshots would not get deleted) without any extras.
