Upgrade Longhorn with modified Storage Class


Longhorn can be upgraded with modified Storage Class.


Test steps:

Kubectl apply -f

  1. Install Longhorn v1.0.2
    kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/longhorn/longhorn/v1.0.2/deploy/longhorn.yaml
  2. Create a statefulset using longhorn storageclass for PVCs. Set the scale to 1.
  3. Observe that there is a workload pod (pod-1) is using 1 volume (vol-1) with 3 replicas.
  4. In Longhorn repo, on master branch. Modify numberOfReplicas: "1" in https://raw.githubusercontent.com/longhorn/longhorn/master/deploy/longhorn.yaml. Upgrade Longhorn to master by running
    kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/longhorn/longhorn/master/deploy/longhorn.yaml
  5. Verify that longhorn storage class now has the field numberOfReplicas: 1.
  6. Scale up the deployment to 2. Verify that:
    • pod-1 is using volume vol-1 with 3 replicas.
    • pod-2 is using volume vol-2 with 1 replica.
  7. Scale up the deployment to 0 then back to 2. Verify that:
    • pod-1 is using volume vol-1 with 3 replicas.
    • pod-2 is using volume vol-2 with 1 replica.


  1. Follow this instruction to install Longhorn v1.0.2 using Helm https://longhorn.io/docs/1.0.2/deploy/install/install-with-helm/#installing-longhorn

  2. Create a statefulSet using longhorn storage class for PVCs. Set the scale to 1.

  3. Observe that there is a workload pod (pod-1) is using 1 volume (vol-1) with 3 replicas.

  4. Clone the longhorn chart in local system and checkout to Longhorn repo, upgrade Longhorn to the master version by running:

    helm upgrade longhorn chart/ -n longhorn-system --set persistence.defaultClassReplicaCount=1,image.longhorn.manager.tag=master
  5. Verify that no error occurs.

  6. Verify that longhorn storage class now has the field numberOfReplicas: 1.

  7. Scale up the deployment to 2. Verify that:

    • pod-1 is using volume vol-1 with 3 replicas.
    • pod-2 is using volume vol-2 with 1 replica.
  8. Scale up the deployment to 0 then back to 2. Verify that:

    • pod-1 is using volume vol-1 with 3 replicas.
    • pod-2 is using volume vol-2 with 1 replica.
  9. Upgrade Longhorn again by running:

    helm upgrade longhorn chart/ -n longhorn-system --set persistence.defaultClassReplicaCount=2,image.longhorn.manager.tag=master
  10. Verify that no error occurs.

  11. Verify that longhorn storage class now has the field numberOfReplicas: 2.

  12. Scale up the deployment to 3. Verify that:

    • pod-1 is using volume vol-1 with 3 replicas.
    • pod-2 is using volume vol-2 with 1 replica.
    • pod-3 is using volume vol-3 with 2 replicas.
  13. See the current Longhorn release’s revision:

    helm list -n longhorn-system
  14. Rollback to the previous version by:

    helm rollback longhorn <REVISION - 1> -n longhorn-system
  15. Verify that no error occurs.

  16. Verify that longhorn storage class now has the field numberOfReplicas: 1.

  17. Scale up the deployment to 4. Verify that:

    • pod-1 is using volume vol-1 with 3 replicas.
    • pod-2 is using volume vol-2 with 1 replica.
    • pod-3 is using volume vol-3 with 2 replicas.
    • pod-4 is using volume vol-4 with 1 replicas.
  18. Rollback to the very first version by:

    helm rollback longhorn 1 -n longhorn-system
  19. See the error:

    Error: no StorageClass with the name "longhorn" found

    This is because the Longhorn master version already replaced the initial longhorn storage class by a different version. Users have to manually delete longhorn storage class before they can rollback. In the future (e.g. when upgrade/rollback between v.1.1 +) this issue will not happen because the versions after v1.1+ we don’t use Helm template for longhorn storage class

Rancher UI

  1. Install Longhorn v1.0.2 using the rancher app catalog.
  2. Create a statefulSet using longhorn storage class for PVCs. Set the scale to 1.
  3. Observe that there is a workload pod (pod-1) is using 1 volume (vol-1) with 3 replicas.
  4. From Rancher UI, upgrade the chart to v1.1.0. In the upgrading UI, change parameter Default Storage Class Replica Count: 1 before clicking Save
  5. Verify that no error occurs.
  6. Verify that longhorn storage class now has the field numberOfReplicas: 1.
  7. Scale up the deployment to 2. Verify that:
    • pod-1 is using volume vol-1 with 3 replicas.
    • pod-2 is using volume vol-2 with 1 replica.