Test Node Selector

Prepare the cluster

  1. Using Rancher RKE to create a cluster of 2 Windows worker nodes and 3 Linux worker nodes.
  2. Rancher will add the taint cattle.io/os=linux:NoSchedule to Linux nodes
  3. Kubernetes will add label kubernetes.io/os:linux to Linux nodes

Test steps

Repeat the following steps for each type of Longhorn installation: Rancher, Helm, Kubectl:

  1. Follow the Longhorn document at the PR https://github.com/longhorn/website/pull/287 to install Longhorn with toleration cattle.io/os=linux:NoSchedule and node selector kubernetes.io/os:linux
  2. Verify that Longhorn get deployed successfully on the 3 Linux nodes
  3. Verify all volume basic functionalities is working ok
  4. Create a volume of 3 replica named vol-1
  5. Add label longhorn.io/rating:best to 2 Linux nodes
  6. Follow the Longhorn document at the PR https://github.com/longhorn/website/pull/287 to set 2 node selectors kubernetes.io/os:linux and longhorn.io/rating:best for Longhorn
  7. Verify that Longhorn gets deployed successfully on the 2 Linux nodes
  8. Attach the vol-1 to a node, verify that the attachment succeeds. One replica of the volume fails because it is on the down node.
  9. Delete all failed replicas on the down node
  10. Delete the down node, verify the deletion succeeds
  11. Detach the vol-1
  12. Follow the Longhorn document at the PR https://github.com/longhorn/website/pull/287 to set 1 node selector kubernetes.io/os:linux for Longhorn
  13. Verify that Longhorn get redeployed successfully on the 3 Linux nodes
  14. Attach the vol-1 to a node, verify that the attachment succeeds. Longhorn starts rebuild the 3rd replica on the new node