Test CSI plugin liveness probe


Test CSI plugin liveness probe should recover CSI socket file

Given healthy Longhorn cluster

When delete the Longhorn CSI socket file on one of the node(node-1). rm /var/lib/kubelet/plugins/driver.longhorn.io/csi.sock

Then the longhorn-csi-plugin-* pod on node-1 should be restarted.

And the csi-provisioner-* pod on node-1 should be restarted.
And the csi-resizer-* pod on node-1 should be restarted.
And the csi-snapshotter-* pod on node-1 should be restarted.
And the csi-attacher-* pod on node-1 should be restarted.

Note: In node-1, the other pods of the CSI sidecar components restarted are triggered by their internal ProbeForever to the CSI connection. It is not due to the liveness probe of the longhorn-csi-plugin.

And Longhorn CSI socket file should exist.
