Test Longhorn system backup should sync from the remote backup target


Given Custom resource SystemBackup (foo) exist in AWS S3,

And System backup (foo) downloaded from AWS S3.

And Custom resource SystemBackup (foo) deleted.

When Upload the system backup (foo) to AWS S3.

And Create a new custom resource SystemBackup(foo).

This needs to be done before the system backup gets synced to the cluster.

Then Should see the synced messages in the custom resource SystemBackup(foo).

  Type    Reason   Age    From                               Message
  ----    ------   ----   ----                               -------
  Normal  Syncing  9m29s  longhorn-system-backup-controller  Syncing system backup from backup target
  Normal  Synced   9m28s  longhorn-system-backup-controller  Synced system backup from backup target